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Greases and oils
Oil [ 1 ]
Silicone oil [ 4 ]
Vaseline oil [ 4 ]
Oil for machines [ 1 ]
Shredder oil [ 1 ]
Substance [ 2 ]
Preparation for penetration and lubrication [ 1 ]
Grease [ 1 ]
Ceramic grease [ 1 ]
Graphite grease [ 2 ]
Copper grease [ 1 ]
PTFE grease [ 6 ]
Grease with molybdenum disulphide [ 2 ]
Technical Vaseline [ 5 ]
Silicone oil [ 4 ]
Vaseline oil [ 4 ]
Oil for machines [ 1 ]
Shredder oil [ 1 ]
Substance [ 2 ]
Preparation for penetration and lubrication [ 1 ]
Grease [ 1 ]
Ceramic grease [ 1 ]
Graphite grease [ 2 ]
Copper grease [ 1 ]
PTFE grease [ 6 ]
Grease with molybdenum disulphide [ 2 ]
Technical Vaseline [ 5 ]
maintenance [ 2 ]
lubricating [ 32 ]
zabezpieczający [ 5 ]
lubricating [ 32 ]
zabezpieczający [ 5 ]
Capacity / Weight
20ml [ 1 ]
50ml [ 2 ]
65ml [ 4 ]
100ml [ 8 ]
200ml [ 2 ]
250ml [ 2 ]
300ml [ 2 ]
400ml [ 2 ]
1l [ 2 ]
3,5g [ 1 ]
20g [ 1 ]
35g [ 1 ]
60g [ 1 ]
500g [ 1 ]
900g [ 1 ]
1kg [ 1 ]
50ml [ 2 ]
65ml [ 4 ]
100ml [ 8 ]
200ml [ 2 ]
250ml [ 2 ]
300ml [ 2 ]
400ml [ 2 ]
1l [ 2 ]
3,5g [ 1 ]
20g [ 1 ]
35g [ 1 ]
60g [ 1 ]
500g [ 1 ]
900g [ 1 ]
1kg [ 1 ]
protection against corrosion [ 4 ]
protection against dust and dirt [ 2 ]
mechanisms lubrication [ 24 ]
worm gear lubrication [ 2 ]
lubrication of bearings [ 6 ]
protects the surface [ 1 ]
protection against moisture [ 11 ]
protects electrical contacts [ 5 ]
protection against dust and dirt [ 2 ]
mechanisms lubrication [ 24 ]
worm gear lubrication [ 2 ]
lubrication of bearings [ 6 ]
protects the surface [ 1 ]
protection against moisture [ 11 ]
protects electrical contacts [ 5 ]
spray [ 14 ]
paste [ 8 ]
liquid [ 10 ]
paste [ 8 ]
liquid [ 10 ]
Package type
lubricator [ 9 ]
metal case [ 13 ]
tube [ 1 ]
plastic container [ 10 ]
metal case [ 13 ]
tube [ 1 ]
plastic container [ 10 ]
AG Termopasty [ 29 ]
Kontakt Chemie [ 2 ]
WD-40 Company [ 1 ]
Kontakt Chemie [ 2 ]
WD-40 Company [ 1 ]
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Shredder oil; lubricating; AGT-308; 250ml; liquid; lubricator; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 43756 Item ID: 43756 Quantity: 12 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Silicone oil; lubricating; zabezpieczający; AGT-014; 50ml; liquid; lubricator; plastic container; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 42215 Item ID: 42215 Quantity: 13 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Silicone oil; lubricating; zabezpieczający; AGT-100; 1l; liquid; plastic container; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 42218 Item ID: 42218 Quantity: 2 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Silicone oil; zabezpieczający; lubricating; AGT-015; 100ml; liquid; lubricator; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 10132 Item ID: 10132 Quantity: 21 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Silicone oil; zabezpieczający; lubricating; AGT-016; 300ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 09936 Item ID: 09936 Quantity: 18 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Vaseline oil; lubricating; AGT-017; 50ml; liquid; lubricator; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 42216 Item ID: 42216 Quantity: 10 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Vaseline oil; lubricating; AGT-018; 100ml; liquid; lubricator; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 10133 Item ID: 10133 Quantity: 18 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Vaseline oil; lubricating; AGT-019; 300ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 09937 Item ID: 09937 Quantity: 23 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Vaseline oil; lubricating; AGT-099; 1l; spray; plastic container; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 42217 Item ID: 42217 Quantity: 1 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Oil; lubricating; LUB OIL 88; 200ml; spray; metal case; Kontakt Chemie | |||||||||||
Item ID: 35684 Item ID: 35684 Quantity: 8 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Oil for machines; lubricating; AGT-080; 65ml; liquid; lubricator; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 12754 Item ID: 12754 Quantity: 12 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Preparation for penetration and lubrication; lubricating; AGT-213; 100ml; spray; plastic container; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 28502 Item ID: 28502 Quantity: 13 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Substance; lubricating; Kontakt TF suchy/100ml; 100ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 23733 Item ID: 23733 Quantity: 4 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Substance; lubricating; Kontakt TF suchy/400ml; 400ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 35089 Item ID: 35089 Quantity: 17 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Ceramic grease; lubricating; AGT-166; 100ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 23730 Item ID: 23730 Quantity: 12 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Graphite grease; lubricating; AGT-079; 65ml; liquid; lubricator; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 12755 Item ID: 12755 Quantity: 73 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Graphite grease; lubricating; AGT-148; 100ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||
Item ID: 42790 Item ID: 42790 Quantity: 4 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Copper grease; lubricating; AGT-151; 100ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 23732 Item ID: 23732 Quantity: 11 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
PTFE grease; lubricating; AGT-081/65ml; 65ml; liquid; lubricator; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||
Item ID: 12756 Item ID: 12756 Quantity: 3 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
PTFE grease; lubricating; maintenance; TF/3,5g AGT-064; 3,5g; paste; tube; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 05791 Item ID: 05791 Quantity: 20 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
PTFE grease; lubricating; KONTAFLON 85/200ml; 200ml; spray; metal case; Kontakt Chemie | |||||||||||||
Item ID: 09231 Item ID: 09231 Quantity: 5 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
PTFE grease; lubricating; TF/1kg AGT-067; 1kg; paste; plastic container; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||
Item ID: 03669 Item ID: 03669 Quantity: 0,00 kg MOQ: 1,00 Multiple: 1,00 |
PTFE grease; lubricating; TF/60g AGT-066; 60g; paste; plastic container; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||
Item ID: 00009 Item ID: 00009 Quantity: 11 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
PTFE grease; zabezpieczający; lubricating; TF/20ml AGT-065; 20ml; liquid; plastic container; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 00008 Item ID: 00008 Quantity: 7 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |
Grease with molybdenum disulphide; lubricating; AGT-152; 100ml; spray; metal case; AG Termopasty | |||||||||||||||
Item ID: 23731 Item ID: 23731 Quantity: 11 pc MOQ: 1 Multiple: 1 |